
Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

Wow! My days and weeks just fly by! I thought I was getting the hang of things but time is just not slowing down. Anyway this week I've been spring cleaning. Yes there is spring in Hawaii...sorta, lol. It gets warmer and mentally it's spring for me so I've been organizing, going though things, giving baby things away and it feels great! But I have noticed that I've been out of time and energy at the end of the day. Still too many things, so what I've been doing is putting things away into storage, specifically toys, lots of toys; they never seem to end and they don't clean themselves up. At our house the kiddos need to put their things in order and have their room nice and clean before bed. If they don't, I help them, by storing away more of their belongings until they can manage cleaning up what they play with without complaining.