Live for something bigger than yourself

Live for something bigger then you, when I heard this, it’s like a light bulb went on. There was a point in time when I wanted to know if there might be something else to life, marriage, kids, and the same routines every day didn’t feel like enough. (I was about 19 years old at the time) I was listening to Focus on The Family broadcast and someone mentioned that when we begin to live for something outside of ourselves, that is when we really begin to live. I believe that to be so true.  

When we live looking inwards, how I feel, how I should be treated, what I might deserve, what someone could or should be doing for me, we will always feel empty and underestimated. But when we take our eyes and focus them on Jesus and our Heavenly Father, we begin to see how truly blessed we are and how we might actually have something to offer to those around us. You don't necessarily have to fly oversees to be a part of mission work, we have friends, family, maybe people we work with or children that we come in contact with, these are all opportunities to serve and show Gods love. We can speak truth and shines God's light into any situation. 

I wrote that top part July 15,2015!!! It’s been a draft ever since but as I read it today I am realizing that it is still a great reminder to me and hopefully will be for you as well. It’s important to pause and occasionally, evaluate our perspectives in life. Is it all about me all the time or are we really trull living for something bigger than ourselves?

I got married very young so I didn’t have time to fine tune my expectations in life. I had very many of them and I somehow thought that after I got married I would get this feeling of life time bliss, I guess you can call it a “happily ever after” but oh boy was I wrong! Marriage only began a life long journey of dying to self and learning to live for someone other than myself. But I found myself still wondering if that was it, marriage, children and the mundane every day routines of life. Why did it not feel like enough? Why did my soul still feel empty and what was missing?

I prayed and sought for an answer until like I mentioned above I heard the words “live for something bigger than yourself” that was it! As long as I was living for me and mine, I would always feel empty and unfulfilled inside. I had God yes, but it’s not enough to keep him for yourself. The Spirit inside of us wants to show the world who he is, either through our words or like someone once said “preach always and occasionally use words” how profound is that!?Our life is a living testimony to the world of who Jesus is. Sometimes we share our stories and at other times “they will know you are mine by your love” as Jesus said.

So I wanted to encourage you today, to keep on living your best life. Shine bright for all to come to know him and through that, you will truly find that the void inside will be filled. He fills it with himself yes, but when we live the way he did we are fulfilling what he equipped us to do.

Serve, pray, worship, tip, smile, say hello, pause a moment if you need to and connect, comment a nice encouraging word, to counteract all the negativity that is so prevalent, pick up trash when you walk by it, be generous with your compliments and better yet notice the traits that others don't, pay forward, give a hug, foster kittens (or maybe even children if you’re able to in your season of life!), keep your phone in your pocket when you’re out so you don’t miss the opportunity to notice someone, look people in the eye and let them know that they are seen and if you feel led to, then tell them that Jesus loves them.

I may have shared this before but I remember being at Walmart one day close to the holidays and the cashier lady at self check out was being pulled in all directions. Some people were rude and others just needed help but it was obvious that she was overwhelmed. I mentioned to my daughter that I felt sorry for her, she goes what are you going to do, go give her a hug or something? I honestly didn’t even think of that! I figured I would pray for her and move on. But when she gave me that idea, I went and did just that. I put my arm around her shoulder and said “it’s ok” she just about broke down, with tears in her eyes she kept mumbling that she was about to quit. Within a minute someone needed her help again. I smiled at her and went back to my line. I have no idea if that did anything for her or if it encouraged her in anyway but I hope she felt seen, noticed and that her day got a little bit better after that.

It’s not always up to us what the outcome will be but it is up to us to sow the seeds. God will take care of the rest, I’m sure of it! Obeying and doing these simple acts of kindness will grow us and bring us joy and fulfillment that fills the void. That is how we live for something bigger than ourselves. I believe if we will be faithful in these little things (that really should be normal etiquette but isn’t any longer) then he will trust us with more, whatever that may look like for you.

Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. -John 15:4-5

Those verses give me so much encouragement, that it’s not on my own strength that I need to accomplish anything. But if I remain in him, he will lead me and he will be the one to produce fruit in my life. Jesus is so good. Remember he sees you, he knows you and he loves you more than you will ever know!

Would love to hear your story(s) if you have any, of how you are already living for something bigger than yourself. Please share!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings friend,
